Sunday, November 28, 2010


Overall the city of Melbourne is a very cultural and unique place in which anyone can find there own favourite place, Throughout my experiences in the city over the last few weeks i have found the wealth of opportunities at the peoples disposal, and i hope this brief blog has given you an idea of what the streets of Melbourne are like, for information about each of the previously mentioned destinations, simply google their names and if wondering how to get into the city from your nearest train or bus station, simply go onto met and find a line and timetable that allows you to enter the city.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Magistrates Court

Within Melbourne's law sector there are three courts,  the county ,supreme and magistrates court. The magistrates deals with the lowest of the laws problems and as such it is available to the public, be it for studying law students or family.  When inside there are multiple floors which have various court rooms that allow you to enter, pay your respects to the judge and take a seat. 

It is a fascinating look at the law and its many methods of justice, as well as a look at getting a perspective of a lawyers,judge's and policeman's job in the field.   

Immigraton Mueseum

A true history lesson lies within the Immigration Museum, aside from a looking unique on its own, the innards of the Museum have many photos and archives of the waves of migration that Australia has had throughout its existence as a country. While there you can learn about the different waves of migration as well as have a look at authentic items and clothing specific to different times and origins. 

It is overall a pivotal part of the Melbourne experience.

Federation Square

The epicentre of Melbourne and the first thing you See once out of Flinders street station, Federation Square ( Fed Square) offers plenty of information to get around the city, has many various cafes and a stage in its centre for events. IF you delve deep into Fed Square you can find places like ACME and other exhibitions like the Tim Burton exhibition and previously the Pixar exhibit.

It is a reminder of Melbournes historical significance as well as a looking into the future of the great city of Melbourne

Monday, November 15, 2010

Shrine of Remembrance

The Shrine of Remembrance is one of the few memorials built specifically for the events of World War I, due to the Australian casualties that eventuated from the war Australia had more reason than most to mourn there dead, built before the events of World War II the Shrine was still updated to include memorial statues from the second world war as well as a gift shop and extensive tour of the top room with a plaque the writing on it shall not spoil for you, as well as a room with all the named battalions and flags of the many Australian forces.

Overall a pivotal part of the Australian's inclusion in the first 2 World Wars and a startling message that stays with you long after you've left, one that shows us all what all Australians are truly made of.

The City of Melbourne Intro

The City of Melbourne is commonly known as one of the most livable cities in the world, as well as one of the most multicultural ones as well. One thing many people overlook is the cities uncanny amount of quirky shopping plazas and arcades coupled with abundant classic attractions like the Melbourne Museum, Federation Square, Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) and the Shrine of Remembrance.

All of which are full of rich history relating to sport, the war, culture, immigration and the past new sub cultures entering the city. This web page is designed to give you a small tour of what Melbourne has to offer for beginners.